1 FiLevel Security 1.0 Setup 2 The setup process is not completed. Do you really want to exit Setup? 3 Name and Organization Information 4 You left all the fields blank.\n\nPlease note that according to the License\nAgreement you should use the product only\nfor evaluation purposes.\n 5 Invalid credentials.\n\nPlease check Product ID, Name and Organization.\nNote that Name and Organization fields are case sensitive.\n\nYou may leave these fields blank for evaluation purposes. 6 Internal system error occured.\nThe operation can not be completed.\n\nPress OK to exit Setup. 7 Setup is unable to copy file %s\nto %s directory.\nSetup can not be continued.\n\nPress OK to exit setup. 8 CLSID\{84704820-31fa-11d2-94ae-00a024bb8c19} 9 CLSID\{84704820-31fa-11d2-94ae-00a024bb8c19}\InProcServer32 10 *\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ZZFLS 11 Drive\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ZZFLS 12 Directory\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ZZFLS 13 Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\ZZFLS 14 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved 15 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FLS 16 SOFTWARE\Astrosoft\FLS\RegistrationData 17 {84704820-31fa-11d2-94ae-00a024bb8c19} 18 FiLevel Security 1.0 19 Rundll32.exe fls.dll,Uninstall 20 FLS User Interface 21 System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PwdProvider\FLS 22 Setup is unable to register FLS.\nSetup can not be continued.\n\nPress OK to exit setup. 23 Invalid Windows version.\n\nFiLevel Security must be installed on\ncomputers running Microsoft Windows 95 or\nMicrosoft Windows 98.\n\nSetup can not be continued. 24 System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\FLS 25 Usage:\nInteractive setup: SETUPFLS.EXE\nUnattended setup: SETUPFLS.EXE \n - Unattended setup script 26 FiLevel Security setup was not completed succesfully.